The art of ‘not-doing’ and a story of ‘falling into place’

The Master leads by emptying people’s minds
and filling their cores,
by weakening their ambition
and toughening their resolve.
He helps people lose everything they know,
everything they desire,
and creates confusion in those who think that they know.
Practice not-doing,
and everything will fall into place
– Lao-Tzu, tao te ching

listening to deep inner wisdom.

As I was walking in downtown Vancouver last week I passed by a Starbucks that I used to routinely go to and work from. As I reminisced on those early days, I realized I haven’t been back to that Starbucks in years, and that felt really really good. This observation triggered a number of deep thoughts that came flooding in – I began to realize that there are many profound changes that have taken place over the last several years.

letting go of what I know and falling into place.

I used to love the routine of walking to and working from the same Starbucks everyday.

I now seek out the funkiest smallest coffee shops with an authentic feel and great espresso.


I once set a goal of earning six figures by 25 and 1 million by 30.

I haven’t revisited those numbers in years – and to be honest, I don’t think I could care any less. I now gauge success based on how I feel and the positive impact I am having through my work and conversations.


I used to think it was all about achieving an outcome (note the goal above).

I now cherish every moment of my unique journey. 


I used to think popularity was about accumulating as many friends as possible.

I now say to hell with popularity and hold on tightly to the few meaningful relationships I am so fortunate to have.


I used to hide my journal because I was self conscious and embarassed of it.  

I now know now that it is my ability to write and reflect that has shaped and guided my path forward. 


I once used to believe that “leadership” meant action, forward progress, being loud, and dominant.

I now find the most powerful experiences of leadership in deep silence and holding the space for others to share. 


I used to define great opportunity with the money and status that would come with it.

I am learning that the opportunities truly worth pursuing in life are defined by a violent tugging of the gut (“this is my moment”) and aligning myself with incredible intrinsically motivated people. 


I used to be impressed with people who wore full suits and drove fancy cars.

I am finding myself passionately gravitating to the hipster sitting beyond the reach of the spotlight in the corner of the café. Following a unique path and cultivating a rich and influential small corner of the world. 


I used to think that love was about finding the person who would always make me happy.

I am learning (everyday!) that love is about finding the person that will never leave my side, with every mountain and valley in life our roots grow stronger, the intimate connection grows deeper. This has been the most rewarding journey of my life (thank you my Tash). 


I used to think it was all about building a business as big as it can get.

I now praise the businesses cultivating their unique story’s and voice’s like Kalos, Pjrvs, and Remarkable misfit

the pursuit of “not-doing, and everything will fall into place”

I still get stuck in thinking that my writing and voice is in a pursuit and acquisition of likes, tweets, and comments.

I continually remind myself that it is about the journey of self-discovery.  I am pushing myself to go deeper with every letter, thought, and post, regardless of whether it means another like or comment. 


I still struggle with self-confidence, the little gremlin telling me I’m not good enough to take on the world and the adventures that come with it.

I know I have the people surrounding me that will support and encourage me to play the big game and support me through all of the ups and downs along the way. This is my rock. 


I still yearn to have a positive impact in the World.

I know this will come as I continue to let go, practice not-doing, and enjoy every experience in this great adventure called life. 

How do you notice yourself growing and evolving over time? Share your reflection below!

Thank you for taking the time to visit me here ~Tyrell

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