What Motivates You? A discussion of core beliefs

A few days ago a friend of mine sent me an email saying he appreciated some of my inspiring posts and status updates. He asked me what motivated and inspired me to create this kind of content and share it. In answering him I had a great opportunity to reflect on three factors that are the core of what I believe…

I thought I would share them with you!

What gives you energy?

Each of us are motivated and inspired by different things, on my journey I have always tried to identify what activities give me energy, and which ones suck energy out of me… I have found that the times that I am the most inspired, motivated, and filled with positive energy is when I am helping others, or having a positive impact in the lives of others. This has become one of the first pillars that I live by, give to others and be filled with positive energy in return!

The energy you put out is what you will receive

There are a million different ways to phrase this idea, but essentially it means if you are generally negatively minded person, you will attract negative energy and negative experiences. On the flip side, if you strive to be a positive person, giving positive energy, you will draw more and more positive experiences and people around you. Regardless of how you are feeling, we all have a choice to act and put out positive energy or negative energy. Remember- this energy I’m talking about encompasses all interactions… How you speak, how are act, your body language, how your write, how you look at someone… Everything you do radiates a certain energy, either you are uplifting people with positive energy, or draining them with negative energy… And you will receive this same energy you put out!

Every Experience is an Opportunity to Learn and Grow

Lastly, I truly believe that every experience, whether it is good or bad, holds an opportunity to learn, grow, and get some type of positive perspective. The trick is that this is all in the eye of the beholder- someone with a negative frame of mind will never even have this option to learn and grow because they will not be able to see the positive aspect… But, if you are able and willing (it is not easy) to look at every experience with a positive mind, knowing that even though a situation may be dire or tragic, there is still an opportunity to grow… You will find that no matter how negative an experience may be portrayed, there is still opportunity… This becomes a very inspiring and motivating notion as it means that our greatest learning and growth actually comes in the hardest times… The value of perseverance and seeing the big picture become very important.

What are your foundational beliefs? What gives you energy? How do you have a positive impact on others? I would love to hear your personal stories and experiences on this topic- everyone has a different story and it is the sharing of these unqiue stories that create learning and growth through different perspectives!

Please join me!

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